Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Palm Beach expresses interest to promote local handicraft

Palm Beach Resort and Spa has expressed intentions of engaging expert handicraft craftspeople to showcase their skills to the resort guests reports UNDP. According to UNDP website the resort has further committed to promoting and selling locally made souvenirs including innovative products and crafts of the more traditional variety.

The resort collaborates with Lhaviyani Handicrafts training centers in Naifaru and Kurendhoo. The training centers have been set up with the assistance of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with the main aim of promoting partnerships between small businesses and the more established ventures such as those within the tourism industry.

Independent organizations such as the Creative Arts and Crafts Training Centre (CACTC), Women’s Entrepreneurial Council (WEC), in collaboration with several island and atoll based groups, have already begun program in order to maximize the potential of the dwindling local cottage industries reports UNDP.

According to the ‘Handicrafts in Maldives’ report compiled by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in 2007, the sale of souvenir items in the Maldives is expected to bring in more than US 50 million within the next five years reports UNDP website.

Ongoing efforts to promote local handicrafts are underway with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the Maldives with assistance from the European Union through the Maldives Tsunami Recovery Program. Expertise of the Creative Arts and Crafts Training Centre (CACTC) and cooperation from the Women’s Entrepreneurial Council (WEC), the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, several island-based non-governmental organizations as well as the commitment from the Palm Beach Resort & Spa contributes to the success of this important initiative.

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