Saturday, December 15, 2007

DRP cause for loss of quorum – Members

15 December 2007
Report: Soodh

Dhivehi Rahyithunge Party (DRP) members are the cause of loss of quorum at the Majlis sessions scheduled for budget discussions say members of the Special Majlis.

Speaking to Miadhu, MP for Male’ Atoll, Maria Ahmed Didi said DRP Members and Members supporting the government are reluctant to continue the plenary debate on the proposed budget for 2008 as the debate would reveal the truth to the people.

“The government has majority in the parliament, the government increases and decreases the number of Members attending as and when they want” said Maria.

Out of the 4 Majlis sessions held for the discussion on the budget, 3 were adjourned due lack of quorum. Many Members of DRP and government ministers were noted missing from these Majlis sessions.

Speaking on the subject MP for Ga. Atoll Abdulla Jabir said the loss of quorum is due to many members going to Mecca to perform Hajj.

“We notice a lot of DRP Members missing; I believe that loss of quorum is due to the fact that a lot of MP has gone to perform Hajj rituals and also because MPs of Special Majlis has been given leave during this period” said Jabir.

MP for Raa Atoll, Ali Waheed said that DRP Members are deliberately causing the loss of quorum and said that they have a special agenda behind the action.

Leader of Liberal Party as well as MP for Male’ Ibrahim Ismail (Ibra) said the loss of quorum is due to disagreements between DRP Members and Members of Peoples Association (PA).

Some members even say that MP for Noonu Atoll as well as Leader of PA, Abdulla Yamin is purposely trying to agitate Finance Minister Qasim.

Miadhu was unable to reach DRP Spokesperson for a comment on the issue.

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