Thursday, December 6, 2007

DRP petitions Majlis on transitional govt. issue

06 December 2007
Report: Soodh

Members supporting Dhivehi Rahyithunge Party (DRP) has petitioned the Majlis to hold debate on the proposed Chapter on Transitional Government after the Majlis concludes passing the chapter on the President. The petition of DRP Members was signed by 59 Members of the Special Majlis and was submitted to the Speaker of the Special Majlis Qasim Ibrahim on the 4 of this month.

The petition submitted states that measures to be implemented in order to make the transition to the new constitution can only be known once the responsibilities of the powers involved in the running of the state is determined. In this regard the petition states “considering the reform status of the constitution and taking in to fact that the chapter on President and the chapter on the Majlis is not yet passed, the debate on the Bill on the Transitional Government be postponed till the completion of the Bill on the President and the completion of Addendums to the constitution. The petition also states that Members who signed the petition does not support commencing debate on another bill without first completing the Bill on Interpretation of the Constitution.

Chief Spokesperson of DRP, Ibrahim Shafiu, speaking of the petition of the ruling party told Miadhu last night, that in democracy wishes of the majority should be respected. Many Members believe that although 59 Members signed the petitioned, Speaker of the Majlis Qasim Ibrahim would take the best decision to suit the best interests of the people of Maldives.

The main opposition party, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has submitted a petition to the Majlis with 14 signatures calling to hold the debate of the Bill on Transitional Government ahead of the President’s Bill.

At the Majlis session Speaker Qasim said that he would make a ruling on the issue after consultation with the Administrative Committee. The meeting of the Administrative Committee was adjourned due to opposition Member’s influence. Special Majlis sessions have now been interrupted indefinitely.

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