Friday, December 7, 2007

Detention Centers and Jails to be inspected

08 December 2007
Report: Soodh

A team from the Sub Committee on the Prevention against Torture under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture has been scheduled to visit Maldives to inspect the detention centers and Jails in the country. The team is expected to visit Maldives from 9 to 17 of this month.

During their inspection the team is expected to carryout inspections of detention centers and Jail facility without any prior warning. The team will also hold talks with senior officials of political parties, NGOs and other institutions.
Maldives is signatory to Convention against Torture and Other Cruel and Inhumane or Degrading Punishment and Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel and Inhumane or Degrading Punishment.

Under the 2 conventions a committee has been formed named Sub Committee on Prevention of Torture to monitor signatory state’s detention or Jail facilities. Under the committee a national prevention mechanism is required to be established and the committee is expected to make at least one visit per year.

Maldives signed the conventions among the first 20 countries and is the first Asian country to sign the conventions.

The visit to Maldives is the second visit of the committee to a member country.

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