Monday, December 10, 2007

Speculations on imminent Cabinet reshuffle

10 December 2007
Report: Ayya

According to many rumors floating around town, Fisheries and Agriculture Minister Hussain Hilmy has submitted his resignation last Thursday and Finance Ministry is to be handed over to Yamin Abdul Gayoom. This information was carried on a website supporting government last night.

According to information received last night President’s Gayoom will be reshuffled soon. Among the changes are the appointment of Ahmed Nasim, former State Minister who resigned with Yamin, to the post of Education Minister and the appointment of Abdulla Jabir, MP for Ga. Atoll to the post of Fisheries and Agriculture Minister.

Further the current Finance Minister Qasim Ibrahim is to be appointed as the Vice President says rumors.

Speculation of Hussain Hilmy’s resignation first surfaced along with the resignation of Former of Foreign Minister Dr. Shaheed who resigned last August. Dr. Shaheed’s resignation was initially denied by the government.

Although media speculation may not be necessarily be true, it may be noted that in some instances it has been true. Media speculation of Azima Shukoor’s appointment to Attorney General and recent change of name of the Information Ministry and additional portfolio to Minister Nasheed are just one of the many that has realized as speculated.

Miadhu’s attempts to contact the concerned parties to verify the stories were unsuccessful. However Miadhu was able to contact Jabir who did not deny the stories. However he did not confirm the stories either.

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