Sunday, November 4, 2007

DRP not enthusiastic about reform – Dr. Shaheed

03 November 2007
Report: Soodh

DRP Council Member and Ex Foreign Minister Dr. Ahmed Shaheed have said that DRP is not perceived as a party working to bring reform to the country. He made the statement in a special interview given to Velidhoo News.

Dr. Shaheed said DRP is seen as party desiring to extend the current status of the country.

“They wanted to form a party on democratic principles, but now the party is not run according democratic principles, DRP is not developing as a political party,but it can still be corrected” told Dr. Shaheed who resigned from government last August.

Dr. Shaheed said that the resignation of the party’s Deputy Leader is indicative of the fact that the party is not developing as a political party. He said that it exposes the problems within party ranks.

Ex Foreign Minister Dr.Shaheed said that progress of reform has been slow and that this was mainly due to lack of enthusiasm for the reform agenda within the party. The condition of the country would deteriorate if the reform process is not speeded up said Dr. Shaheed.

Velidhoo News was unable to get DRP’s comment on Dr. Shaheed’s criticisms of the party as Chief Spokesperson Ibrahim Shafiu could not be contacted.

Dr. Ahmed Shaheed was the Forign Minister when he resigned from the government; he is seen as the key player in promoting the reform agenda abroad.

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