Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mundhu appointed Presidential Spokesman

03 November 2007
Report: Ayya

Former Chief Government Spokesman Mohamed Hussain Shareef, Mundhu has been promoted to the post of Spokesman of the President. Mundu's new appointment was announced Thursday after few weeks of uncertainty about his future. Last month Mundhu relinquished the duties of Chief Government Spokesman after the responsibilities were assigned to the Ministry of Information. Mundhu politely told Velidhoo News he did not want to involve in a work mandated to Minister Nasheed. He felt that it would clash with the work of the Information Ministry.

Mundhu who is a highly qualified and articulate person told Velidhoo News that he has worked for President Gayoom from the beginning of his career and would like to work in the President's Office and for the President in any job offered, but would leave the Government otherwise. Mundhu has also been accepted to pursue a Phd in UK, but he wants to serve for the President during this time of unprecedented reform.

The post of Chief Government Spokesman was earlier held by former Foreign Minister Dr. Ahmed Shaheed before he took up the high profile job in July 2005. Mundhu was then appointed to the post which he has performed very efficiently. Mundhu has been an amiable person who is accessible to the media. He has faced many criticism and challenges during his tenure but spoke to the world and local media very impressively.

There is news floating in the country that Mundhu's job will be filled by a foreigner, but Information Ministry has denied that the high post will be given to a foreigner. The Ministry however confirmed there will be a foreigner employed to deal with foreign media on general matters. This could mean that Information Minister himself will speak on very important matters. However, there is growing uneasiness among the public about a non-national being employed to speak to foreign media, while there are many qualified Maldivians available for the job.

In a way, Mundhu's new appointment is seen a big win for Mundhu as he will have more stature and even authority when he performs as Spokesman of the President, or Office of the President.

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