Thursday, September 6, 2007

Debate on changing the quorum of drafting committee ends

06 September 2007
Report: Soodh

The People’s Majlis in its yesterday’s session concluded the discussion over the issue submitted by the Speaker of the Special Majlis, which calls for a change in the quorum of the drafting committee.

When all members inscribed to speak on the subject was concluded, votes were called for 4 motions which were moved and seconded during the debate, but none of the motions got passed.

The first motion was proposed by Addu Atoll Member Husnu-Soodh, the second motion was proposed by Vaavu Atoll member Moosa Nizaar Ahmed, third proposal was from Addu Atoll member Mohamed Aslam and the fourth one was proposed by Fuvah Mulaku member Faisal Naseem.

Members extensively debated on the proposals and when votes were called, none of the proposals received the required majority to get passed.

Hence, the issue was concluded without any outcome. Members on the previous meeting said that the issue of quorum of the drafting committee was crucial in meeting the November 30 deadline to complete the constitution.

Many members expressed the concern over the delays caused by the lack of quorum in the committee.

Velidhoo News

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