Wednesday, October 24, 2007

No denial from Anni on meeting

23 October 2007
Report: Uken

MDP Chairperson Mohamed Nasheed, Anni, has not denied the allegations picked up by the media that he held secret discussions with top official of President Gayoom in violation of the ruling by MDP’s governing council. Although Anni did not reject the allegation he refused to offer any comment.

Anni, made the statement when asked by Velidhoo News whether he met a top official of President Gayoom. The story was confirmed to Velidhoo News by top official of President Gayoom Aneesa Ahmed.

Expressing his displeasure on the story carried on Velidhoo News on Moday regarding Anni’s discussion with President Gayoom’s top official, Anni said “you have your own agenda in front of you or you would have a full briefing in front of you, on how to proceed further, so it would be better if you proceed without contacting me”.

“My paper does not stop at that meeting, I am 4 or 5 steps ahead” said a very irritated Anni.

Anni’s hesitation to give a straight forward answer and his attempt’s to criticize Velidhoo News and in particular the reporter of the story, prompted Velidhoo News to contact MDP president Dr. Mohamed Munnawar to find out whether the actions of the Chairperson is acceptable as theleader of the main opposition party in the country.

Dr.Munnawar replied that it is not the MDP policy to refuse comments to reporters who publish articles that are against MDP policies.

In an interview given to Velidhoo News, top official of President Gayoom, Aneesa Ahmed said, “this meeting is a result of Anni’s request made on last Monday to meet the President, however due to prior engagements President could not meet Anni, Anni then said he would meet a presidential appointee, so I met him; during the meetings discussions were held very freely on what both parties can do to achieve deadline of end November for the constitutional reform”.

MDP President Dr.Munnawar said to Velidhoo News that MDP’s governing council has ruled that MDP would not hold any discussions with President Gayoom.

Anni,the main opposition leader, from the very inception of his political carrier has been famous for his open criticisms of President Gayoom and his government. He has written and given interviews to various media outlets including foreign agencies openly criticizing the government and its policies.

However his refusal to provide a comment to a reporter who published a story critical of him certainly fall short of the expectations the general public expect from a leader who is at the helm of the main opposition party.


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