Report: Soodh
During the past 7 years unemployment rate has gone up from 10 to 14% shows a report compiled by Planning Ministry. The report indicates that 40% of women do not work to earn livelihood in the age group between 15 to 25 years.
Although the report titled Millennium Development Goals, MDG, 2007 released by Planning Ministry, indicate an increase in the percentage of number of parties active in the labor market between year1997 to year 2004, unemployment rate for this period jumped from 10 to 14 %.
The report indicates, of the 14% unemployed, 40% of women between the age group of 15 to 24 years are unemployed and 20 % men are unemployed in this age group.
The report indicates that Maldives have already achieved the MDG target of halving the percentage of those earning less than one Dollar per day in 1997 by year 2015. With regard to poverty the report indicates considerable increase in earnings between year1997 to year 2004.
The average earning of a household in atolls have increased by 50% for the period between 1997 to 2004 while an average household earnings in Male’ increased by two folds.
In eradicating extreme poverty from atolls and in Male’ the challenges faced in affording equal opportunity must be overcome notes the report. One of the solutions provided in the report to over such challenges is expediting the population consolidation policy. The report also notes the importance of allocating necessary funds in government to achieve it.
A survey conducted in 1994 shows 43% of child population in under weight. The same survey conducted in 2004 as part of the survey on Vulnerability and Poverty showed 27% of the child population is below the recommended weight for the age group. The report notes although this can be solved by year 2015, the issue requires urgent action.
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